Friday, September 24, 2010

WWE SUPERSTARS! (best show)

Goldust vs. Ted Dibiase - Superstars 9/2/2010

Goldust rules the world. He totally rocks Ted early on, and Ted's selling is good. He goes to the outside quick, and Maryse, who is awesome throughout the match, yells at Cole and King not to look at him. But Dustin's early shine period is the best thing ever: he rocks Ted with a nasty uppercut and hits some gorgeous arm drags and his fantastic butt bump, and Ted sells it all well. He's really at his best when he's bumping around and selling, and he takes a nice bump into the barricade. Transition to Ted's control is good, too: Maryse distracts, and Ted knocks Dust off the apron and to the ground, and then he smashes him face-first into the ring post. Ted's control stuff is fine. I don't think much of him on offense, but he hits that nice clothesline spot, and Goldust sells well throughout, and Maryse talks trash and looks great at ringside. Match picks up again when Dust starts his comeback. He always gets the crowd into it, and he hits his awesome kneeling uppercut spot, and his great snap powerslam, and everything he does is awesome. Really cool sequence where  Dust counters Dream Street with this nifty throw, and then charges right into a flapjack. Legit great performance from Goldust, plus some fantastic selling by Ted, plus great stuff at ring side by Maryse. Really good little match.

Kofi Kingston vs. Chavo Guerrero - Superstars 9/2/2010

Kofi isn't very good, and his offense always stinks, but Chavo rules the goddam world in this match. Kofi hits a dragon screw early and throws some shitty kicks at Chavo's knee, but Chavo makes it look good, and he sells his ass of throughout the entire match, and all through his control segment. The transition spot is kinda neat: Chavo catches Kofi getting cute on the apron and sweeps his legs out from under him. Chavo's control is also cool, as he gets revenge by taking Kofi's knee out. He hits some really cool stuff, including a hilo to Kofi's legs. Also some really great cut-off spots, including his rolling Liger kick, and a cool counter to Kofi's flying cross-body where he essentially hits a codebreaker to Kofi's abdomen. Finish was actually really cool, too. Trouble in Paradise is a garbage move, but Kofi hits Chavo when he's on the top rope, and Chavo tumbles and it looks great. Another good little match. Kofi's offense drags down every match he's in, but his selling was mostly fine here, and Chavo's was really great. He's still selling the stuff from the beginning of the match at the end of the match, and Kofi goes back to the knee during his comebacks, which is really satisfying, and it's cool to see both guys selling knee work at the same time. Not as good as the Goldust/Dibiase match, but still really good, especially for a Kofi match. Chavo might be Kofi's best opponent.

William Regal vs. Goldust - Superstars 9/23/2010

They didn't get as much time as their last match, and it's definitely not as good as their last match, but this was still an awesome little contest. They go back-and-forth early with some really cool chain wrestling. Dust rocks Regal's arm in a kind of a revenge spot for Regal's arm work in the last match, and Regal comes back with some super nifty neck vice work. Goldust comes back and Regal goes to the outside to stalk Dust's rookie diva. Goldust chases him and tries to drag him back into the ring, but Regal trips him on the steps and then attacks Goldust's left leg. Really cool transition spot followed by really good leg work by Regal. Goldust's selling is really tremendous, and it's awesome to watch him hobble around trying to make his comebacks. It would've been nice if they'd had more time to work a finishing stretch, as the finish felt out-of-nowhere in a bad way. Still, great little match.

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